About Us

Impact PC Support

Impact PC Support is an independent provider of remote tech support services for softwares,and peripherals. Disclaimer: Impact PC Support Help is an independent online tech support service provider company for third party product.

The brands,names,images , trademarks,products & services of third parties mentioned on this website are only for reference and to furnish information. We disclaim any ownership right affiliation or endorsement of or by any such third party products.

World Class Technical Support Services

Impact PC Support, headquartered in Atlanta, United State, was established in the industry with the view to support the computer and the internet users effectively.

The pioneer tech support company driven by the passion and dedication of the expert technicians has now become the best place of the instant solution for the technical problems with the technical equipment. We offer our reliable technical support services to the worldwide clients, but primarily focusing on the USA and Canada.

Our Mission

With the apparent mission to take the reliable and instant solution to the every computer user,Impact PC Support Care takes great care to provide the best solution. Considering the requirement of the technical support for the technical issues in the multiple brands, we have a large group of the technicians with expertise in the particular brands. Consequently, we are able to meet your every specific brand need.

Why Choose Us

Apart from the other tech support companies, Impact PC Support understands your urgent need of the tech support services, and so, we present ourselves at your services 24 hours. We take every technical problem under our high consideration whether it is a simple or hectic. Considering the value of every penny you pay us, we strive hard to repay it with our result oriented technical services you need.